Sunday 16 August 2015



Hari Raya Aidilfitri presence or nature actually promises an abundance of blessings and be thankful for the great Muslims.Aidilfitri is also referred to as a Divine favor legislation. A great favor the basis of the characteristics of the construction of a united humanity and nature, In fact, it cover basic spiritual about purity, truth and justice, science and wisdom and good fortune.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the day of independence, the first day after Ramadan in which people believe themselves to regain independence and return to enjoy Divine good Fortune after a month of submitting their soul to God. 

Aidilfitri also highlight the human victory in the conflict between reason and desire, as fasting in the human ability to subjugate lust that always tends to boost the violation of Islamic teachings.  

Hari Raya Aidilfitri also means back to the human identity as a servant of God, the nature of human beings.  The nature of eternity before they exist as human beings, we have recognize the oneness of Allah swt and promised to obey his orders. God affirms in his word which means: And when your Lord made a covenant with the children of Adam from eternity and bore them over themselves.

it should be noted that real Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration is one inwardly or spiritual victory. Therefore it should be reflected in the improvement of the quality of religious behavior ; a stronger faith and piety and become thicker.

Naturally physical and spiritual purity is a motivation to create awareness to help those who are poor or a afflicted. Awareness will lead us into a righteous man and glory in His presence. 

As we celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri at least there are three things that must be done:
  1. "Bertakbir" magnify Allah for all His instructions, so that we remain in His path.
  2. Thanks to divide the provision obtained by paying the tithe.
  3. Control anger and mutual forgiveness. 

thus, the holiday Hari Raya Aidilfitri is day of improvement our divinity and humanity. What is more important is the spirit of Shawwal we continue to improve total personal behavior, relationships with others and our relationships with God.

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